

Color Assessment Cabinets

Color Proof Station

D65 Light

Color measuring instruments


LED11ET8 G3 940

Haze meter

Hardness tester

Thickness gauges

UV Integrator

Surface Roughness tester

Surface Thermometer


EMF Meter

Range finder

Lux meters


Sector Star Test Chart (72 cycles)

Sector Star Test Chart (72 cycles)

The Sector Star Test Chart (72 cycles) is disigned 

for the adjustment of camera lenses and checking back focal distance. It shows a 72 sector Siemens star on a white background.

The test chart is designed for

  • adjustment of camera lenses
  • checking back focal distance

With the aid of a low transmission filter and by means of low level lighting make sure that the camera is not over modulated with the aperture in the open position.

  1. Optical focus: Adjust focus of zoom lens at greatest focal length.
  1. Back focal distance (lens): Adjust focus at shortest focal length by regulating lens mechanically with adjustment screw and optimize alternatively with a).
  1. Back focal distance (pick-up tubes): If focus varies from channel to channel between greatest and shortest focal length, the individual pick-up tubes must be adjusted mechanically in the optical axis.
  1. Select white channel. Set optical focus at greatest focal length. With shortest focal length and divergent focus adjust the pick-up tube in W-channel until optimum focus is achieved. If necessary optimize by alternating with optical focus adjustment.
  2. With unchanged optical focus adjustment and shortest focal length adjust the red and blue pick- up tube until optimum focus is achieved. Image focus (focus adjustment) is maintained at all focal lengths (zoom-in) and constant distance from object by means of back focal distance adjustment.

Sector Star Test Chart (36 cycles)

Sector Star Test Chart

It shows a 36 sector Siemens star on a white background.

With the aid of a low transmission filter and by means of low level lighting make sure that the camera is not over modulated with the aperture in the open position.

a) Optical focus: Adjust focus of zoom lens at greatest focal length.

b) Back focal distance (lens): Adjust focus at shortest focal length by regulating lens mechanically with adjustment screw and optimize alternatively with a).

c) Back focal distance (pick-up tubes): If focus varies from channel to channel between greatest and shortest focal length, the individual pick-up tubes must be adjusted mechanically in the optical axis.
1、Select white channel. Set optical focus at greatest focal length. With shortest focal length and divergent focus adjust the pick-up tube in W-channel until optimum focus is achieved. If necessary optimize by alternating with optical focus adjustment.
2、With unchanged optical focus adjustment and shortest focal length adjust the red and blue pick-up tube until optimum focus is achieved. Image focus (focus adjustment) is maintained at all focal lengths (zoom-in) and constant distance from object by means of back focal distance adjustment.

Color Rendition Chart (X-Rite ColorChecker)

Scan Reference Chart

Universal Test Target

Critical Flesh Tones Test Chart

Bar Test Chart(IEC 61146)

White Balacing Test Chart

ISO 12233:2014 Edge SFR(eSFR)Test chart

Color Spilled Coins (Dead Leaves) Test Chart

Gray Scale Test Chart(11 steps)

Streaking Measurement Test Chart

Color Bar Test Chart

Gray scale chart

Grid Test Chart

ISO 12233 Enhanced digital camera resolution chart

Standard SFRplus Chart

SFRplus Chart on Photographic Paper QI-SFR10-P-RM

ITE Grayscale Chart II(Gamma = 1)

Black & White Spilled Coins (Dead Leaves) Test Chart

OECF Test Chart (ISO 14524)

ISO 12233: 2014 (eSFR)Photographic chart

ISO-14524 digital camera contrast chart

ISO-15739 digital camera noise test chart

ISO 12233 Digital still-camera resolution chart

Automotive Test Chart

SFRplus Chart: Inkjet on Paper - 4:1 Contrast Ratio

SFRplus Chart: Inkjet on Paper - 10:1 & 2:1 Contrast Ratio

Distortion Grid Test Chart

HDTV Gray Scale Test Chart

ITE Grayscale Chart I(Gamma = 0.45)


Sector Star Test Chart (72 cycles)

Sector Star Test Chart (36 cycles)

HDTV Universal Test Chart

DTV Color Rendition Test Chart

36-Patch Dynamic Range Test Chart

Spectrometer OHSP-350

OHSP350A Light Spectrometer

HPL-200 Flicker illuminometer

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