

Color Assessment Cabinets

Color Proof Station

D65 Light

Color measuring instruments


LED11ET8 G3 940

Haze meter

Hardness tester

Thickness gauges

UV Integrator

Surface Roughness tester

Surface Thermometer


EMF Meter

Range finder

Lux meters


Bar Test Chart(IEC 61146)

Bar Test Chart

The Bar Test Chart(IEC 61146) is disigned and used to checking the transmission characteristics of TV cameras at intermediate and deep frequencies.In the upper part of the picture 4 black horizontal bars of different length are arranged in a white surrounding.

In the upper part of the picture 4 black horizontal bars of different length are arranged in a white surrounding. The lower part is a mirror image to the upper one; however white bars are arranged in a black surrounding. A narrow vertical strip of black and white each are located in the center of the picture. These strips resp. bars generate puls signals of approx. 2 µs, 5 µs, 12 µs and 32 µs.

Inadequate transmission characteristics at intermediate and deep frequencies generate streaking effects in scanning line direction. Streaking may also be caused by defective clamping circuits. Long streaking (high error-time-constancy) are clearly visible at the monitor. Short streaking (low error-time-constancy) can be better observed in the oscillogram. For this purpose an oscilloscope with a line selector has to be used and the different bars may be observed one after the other. Also the adjustment of streaking (e.g. compensation of afterglow of flying spot scanners) should be effected with the aid of picture monitor and oscilloscope.

The narrow vertical strips in the center of the picture show echo disturbances, as may occur e.g. with defective delay lines in circuits for aperture corrections. The large black and white areas in both parts of the picture are designed to asses shadings, background structure and other errors. For this purpose the test chart may also be used upside down.

Color Rendition Chart (X-Rite ColorChecker)

Scan Reference Chart

Universal Test Target

Critical Flesh Tones Test Chart

Bar Test Chart(IEC 61146)

White Balacing Test Chart

ISO 12233:2014 Edge SFR(eSFR)Test chart

Color Spilled Coins (Dead Leaves) Test Chart

Gray Scale Test Chart(11 steps)

Streaking Measurement Test Chart

Color Bar Test Chart

Gray scale chart

Grid Test Chart

ISO 12233 Enhanced digital camera resolution chart

Standard SFRplus Chart

SFRplus Chart on Photographic Paper QI-SFR10-P-RM

ITE Grayscale Chart II(Gamma = 1)

Black & White Spilled Coins (Dead Leaves) Test Chart

OECF Test Chart (ISO 14524)

ISO 12233: 2014 (eSFR)Photographic chart

ISO-14524 digital camera contrast chart

ISO-15739 digital camera noise test chart

ISO 12233 Digital still-camera resolution chart

Automotive Test Chart

SFRplus Chart: Inkjet on Paper - 4:1 Contrast Ratio

SFRplus Chart: Inkjet on Paper - 10:1 & 2:1 Contrast Ratio

Distortion Grid Test Chart

HDTV Gray Scale Test Chart

ITE Grayscale Chart I(Gamma = 0.45)


Sector Star Test Chart (72 cycles)

Sector Star Test Chart (36 cycles)

HDTV Universal Test Chart

DTV Color Rendition Test Chart

36-Patch Dynamic Range Test Chart

Spectrometer OHSP-350

OHSP350A Light Spectrometer

HPL-200 Flicker illuminometer

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